Organ Bank Directory

Organ Bank DirectoryOrgan Bank Directory

Find Trusted Organ Donation Centers

  • Nationwide, India

National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO)

India’s apex body overseeing organ and tissue donation, ensuring fair allocation and transplantation.

  • Various Regions in India

Regional Organ and Tissue Transplant Organizations (ROTTOs)

Managing organ donation and transplantation at a zonal level to facilitate seamless coordination.

  • Various States in India

State Organ and Tissue Transplant Organizations (SOTTOs)

Overseeing state-wide organ donation initiatives and ensuring the ethical allocation of organs.

  • AIIMS, New Delhi

Organ Retrieval Banking Organization (ORBO) - AIIMS

Dedicated to the retrieval, storage, and allocation of organs, while raising awareness about donation.

  • Rajnder Nagar, New Delhi

Sri Ganga Ram Hospital

Dedicated to save and improve the lives of individuals with end-stage organ failure, allowing them to resume a normal and productive life.